Contact Us!

Our members include aircraft and marine appraisers, legal and insurance professionals, and others.

We’d love to hear from you and will be happy to answer any questions you have about membership, sponsorship, and more!

Fill out the form below and our staff will be in touch with you shortly.

To become a member, simply contact one of our current members to learn more about what we do.  If you are still interested they will send you an application.

Mailing Address

1380 West Hume Road
Lima, OH 45806-1860


We have two major events each year.

Attendance is mandatory!


Phone: 419-304-1519
Fax: 800-207-9324

Emergency: Bill Arnold 619-233-1096

Get Connected

Become a member of our professional organization and enjoy the benefits of networking, visibility and resources that will help enhance your practice and grow your business!