ERIC PEARSON – Aircraft Valuation Services
0:00:00 Hello, my name is Eric Pearson. I’ve got aircraft valuation services, provide claims adjusting as well as valuation consulting for appraisals, aircraft and marine.
How are you different from others in your niche or specialty?
So I’d say probably the things that set me apart from from some of the others I’ve got an engineering background, I’ve got extensive background in manufacturing, manufacturing methods, I’ve got experience on maintenance of aircraft and boats, vessels, as well as working a lot of commercial personal property claims, contents claims for large commercial losses.
What does the ideal client or referral look like for you?
0:01:06 So it’s kind of a two-fold deal, is in that we have multiple areas within the insurance industry that I work with. What I’m looking for, I’m gonna say, typically are going to be insurance companies and or bankers that need somebody to put a fair market value or a fair value on any type of personal property. I would say we specialize in aviation, marine, and then commercial contents.
How did you first learn about the OFA?
First, I learned about the OFA through my sponsor and this organization, Skip Higley and George Nardone. I have met them through another organization that was for aircraft appraisals. And once you’re capable of appraising an aircraft, then adjusting is not very far from that. So they brought me into the OFA. It’s just an incredibly nice group of guys with a huge wealth of knowledge. It’s nice that we’ve got two meetings a year that everybody gets to see each other, maintain maintain relationships and they’re fun.
What advice do you have for someone considering an OFA membership?
0:02:28 Jump in.
0:02:29 Somebody is wanting to get with a current member and they’ll be able to explain the process for getting into the event, but right now it’s open membership and everybody’s always looking for more expertise and more knowledge surrounding claims and adjusting.
0:03:02 What is the best part about the business?
0:03:06 It is. The nice part about the business within this type of industry is that everybody really works together. We may have claims or cases in different parts of the country that may not be feasible for us to get to it or however it be, but there’s going to be another member that does live close. And so oftentimes, it’s a lot easier to collaborate that way. You know, if it just doesn’t justify the travel or the timing. With an organization like this, then you’ve always got a phone book that you can open up and know that you’ve got a competent person nearby.