Meet Richard Berkemeier, a distinguished figure in the field of appraisal with a career spanning over three decades. As a Senior Appraiser with the American Society of Appraisers and its past president, he brings unparalleled expertise and experience to the organization. Berkemeier’s professional journey includes a significant tenure in banking, with roles at prestigious institutions like Bank of America Leasing and Citigroup’s investment bank in Tribeca, New York.
His specialization lies in corporate jets, aircraft appraisals, and engine simulators, making him a go-to expert in this niche field. Berkemeier’s impact extends globally through his development and teaching of courses for the American Society of Appraisers and Emory Riddle Aeronautical University, reaching students in cities from Moscow to Melbourne.
Beyond his technical prowess, Berkemeier is also known for his contributions to property tax-related work, offering his expertise in high-profile cases and billionaire divorce settlements. His ability to handle complex appraisal situations, such as determining the value of assets pre and post-collision, showcases his analytical and problem-solving skills.
Richard Berkemeier is not just an appraiser; he is a mentor and educator, committed to sharing his knowledge and experience with the next generation of appraisers. His dedication to his field and his notable achievements make him an esteemed member of our directory.