The Organization of Flying Adjusters (OFA) has revived our social media channels, offering all members a fantastic opportunity to network, engage, and build stronger professional relationships. As we step into the digital age with full vigor, it’s essential to follow a few guidelines to make this virtual experience beneficial for everyone involved.

Have a suggestion for our list of Social Media do’s and don’ts?  Let us know!


1. Engage Positively: The main objective of our social media platforms is to encourage conversation and exchange ideas. Don’t hesitate to participate by liking, commenting, and sharing the content that resonates with you. Please always discussions respectful and professional. It’s fine to disagree constructively, but since digital is different than talking in person, the people you’re talking to may miss the warm intention behind your witty sarcasm.  They can only see your words, not your intentions.

2. Share Your Expertise: One of the main benefits of our social media channels is learning from each other. Feel free to share relevant content or insights from your professional experience that could benefit other members.

4. Promote Professional Development: If you come across valuable training resources, seminars, or professional development opportunities, we encourage you to share these with our online community.

5. Privacy is Key: Ensure your privacy settings on each platform are set according to your comfort level. Be mindful of the personal information you choose to share publicly.  Don’t share any personal information you’re not comfortable with EVERYONE knowing.

6. Advertisements and Promotions are Welcome.  Unlike many groups and associations on the Internet, the OFA welcomes it when you offer and explain your services, particularly services that would be a benefit to other members.  Part of the reason for this group is for everyone to PROMOTE their businesses!


1. Avoid Political Discussions: Unless it directly pertains to our organization or industry, refrain from political commentary. This helps maintain a focus on our main objective—networking and professional growth.

2. Don’t Engage in Arguments: If you find yourself in disagreement with another member’s post, keep the discourse professional and constructive. Personal attacks or derogatory comments are unacceptable.

3. Don’t Violate Copyright: When sharing articles, images, or other materials, ensure you have the right to do so or give credit where it’s due to respect intellectual property rights.

Following these guidelines will ensure a positive, productive, and professional experience for all members in our digital community. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we harness the power of social media for the benefit of the OFA.